Marine Consultancy

Vilar Marine. Your maritime consultant.

Vilar Marine is a family-owned business that stands for entrepreneurship, fellowship and costumer commitment. As experienced Naval Architects and Engineers we are proud to offer an extended range of consultancy services in the maritime sector.

Get in touch with us!

Professional Marine Consultancy Services




Project Management and Site Support

Ready to start your next project? We look forward to support you. Vilar Marine offers worldwide project direction, site support and technical management in shipbuilding, shiprepair and conversion:

  • Engineering and Production supervision from kick off till final delivery.
  • Refit, standard docking periods technical management focussed on cost reduction.
  • Annual and special Class/Flag survey inspections preparations.
  • Reliable and wise Owner representation.

Naval Architecture and Engineering

As experienced Naval Architects and Engineers we cover and extended range of technical services. Tell us what you may need.

  • Lightweight surveys, inclining tests and stability calculations development.
  • Design, Basic and Detail Engineering package development and supervision.
  • Structural analysis, heavy lift plans and calculations
  • IMO, Class regulations consulting.

Fleet Management

Concerned about the maintenance and operation of your fleet? It’s a pleasure to support you. Your time is the most valuable asset. Just let us take care of your ships and forget problems:

  • Flag state relationships management and crew documentation handling.
  • Technical support and expert advise during the operation.
  • Development of maintenance plans and supervision during docking periods.
  • Integrated Logistics Support.
Our strengths





Quick response





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About Vilar Marine

Vilar Marine started in 2020 as a maritime consultancy. The company has been growing increasing the range of consultancy services always focused in the maritime sector. Currently headquarters are set in STP Shipyard in Palma de Mallorca, although we are pleased to provide a full range of services worldwide.

We just move where your project and necessities are!


Faustino Vilar


Main point of customer contact, international experience professional, worked at companies with excellent reputation in different countries for many years.

Projects and business activities

Few examples of our most recent projects:

Balearia – Eleanor Roosevelt RO/PAX Retrofit.

Project location: Gibraltar

Vilar Marine has been contracted to develop the project direction, improvement works and retrofit project of this amazing vessel. Besides maintenance routine and warranty management, main project consisted in the improvement of the maneuver operations and cruise speed increase of the ship. For this purpose, the necessary integration of retractable bow thrusters, DO gen sets and e-installation upgrade and stern interceptors installation.

The project is a success and nowadays the thrusters are a reliable set of machinery supporting port operations.

Flagging and registration project explorer yacht ALMA

ALMA is a fantastic explorer yacht, with an interesting history behind her.

VM is proud to be selected to carry out the registration and flagging project.

The project consisted of an extended memory preparation including drawings as GA, LSA, etc. Lightweight survey, inclining test and stability booklet development besides Spanish Flag State registration approval management.

The explorer yacht is currently available for charter within the Balearic Islands area.

Sermaco Logistics Integral fleet management

From July 2021 VM took the management of Sermaco Logisitics Integral fleet.

Sermaco is a well reputated company that is providing port activities support in many ports of Spain.

The fleet consist of five ships which provide assistance to fleets, ship agents in the areas of Barcelona and Tarragona ports.

Contact us. Request information without obligation.

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STP Palma de Mallorca

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